Trivett Square - Nottingham JCT D&B 2016

Key project highlights include the replacement of 600 windows and doors in residential and communal areas, utilizing UPVC and Aluminium for enhanced energy efficiency and acoustic isolation (U-value as low as 1.2 W/m2K). Shop fronts were upgraded with a double-glazed aluminium system, improving appearance and thermal and acoustic performance.Fire safety compliance measures included survey, design, and implementation office remediation works to achieve EWS1  - A1 rating. Additionally, roofing and building fabric care involved repairs and replacements, for the roofing, brick, steel and aluminium cladding, and cills. 


Trivett Square
Trivett Square

Overcoming Challenges 

Trivett Square, in Nottingham's city centre, posed challenges as work occurred while residents lived in flats and businesses operated in shops. Careful measures ensured safety and minimal disruption, with continuous planning due to the busy location and varying ground levels.  

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